Thursday, September 15, 2011

A Beautiful Partnership!

So, I woke up this morning and had a wonderful surprise!...Well, I knew about his, obviously, but had a temporary lapse of memory.  I checked my google reader to spy on my favorite blogs and remembered that today, Flight and Pattern was going to be a part of indiefixx!!!!!!  Yay!!!!  If you have not checked out this website, do yourself a favor: open another tab on your browser and go there RIGHT NOW!  It's an awesome resource for everything, recipes, clothing, design, etc.  I love this site.  Anyways, Flight and Pattern will be part of their Autumn and Holiday Galleria.  It's like a shopping mall for indie goodies.  I am so excited to be a part of this wonderful site!  Check it out for yourself and tell me what you think!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Change is gonna come...

Ok, so I haven't posted, blogged or really done anything worth while for a few weeks now.  Between a sick kid and a super hectic schedule my time has declined to nada...negative nada.  I did manage to think though (oh oh), yes, use the old noggin to come up with better, more relevant ways to manage my shop, merchandise, and other tidbits.  Flight and Pattern, finally got a website!  And more merchandise!  I am slowly getting back into the swing of things so check out the new website and give me some feedback!